13 research outputs found

    Collaborative Verifiable Delay Functions

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    SoK:Delay-based Cryptography

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    Universally Composable Simultaneous Broadcast against a Dishonest Majority and Applications

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    Simultaneous broadcast (SBC) protocols, introduced in [Chor et al., FOCS 1985], constitute a special class of broadcast channels which, besides consistency, guarantee that all senders broadcast their messages independently of the messages broadcast by other parties. SBC has proved extremely useful in the design of various distributed computing constructions (e.g., multiparty computation, coin flipping, electronic voting, fair bidding). As with any communication channel, it is crucial that SBC security is composable, i.e., it is preserved under concurrent protocol executions. The work of [Hevia, SCN 2006] proposes a formal treatment of SBC in the state-of-the-art Universal Composability (UC) framework [Canetti, FOCS 2001] and a construction secure assuming an honest majority. In this work, we provide a comprehensive revision of SBC in the UC setting and improve the results of [Hevia, SCN 2006]. In particular, we present a new SBC functionality that captures both simultaneity and liveness by considering a broadcast period such that (i) within this period all messages are broadcast independently and (ii) after the period ends, the session is terminated without requiring full participation of all parties. Next, we employ time-lock encryption (TLE) over a standard broadcast channel to devise an SBC protocol that realizes our functionality against any adaptive adversary corrupting up to all-but-one parties. In our study, we capture synchronicity via a global clock [Katz et al., TCC 2013], thus lifting the restrictions of the original synchronous communication setting used in [Hevia, SCN 2006]. As a building block of independent interest, we prove the first TLE protocol that is adaptively secure in the UC setting, strengthening the main result of [Arapinis et al., ASIACRYPT 2021]. Finally, we formally exhibit the power of our SBC construction in the design of UC-secure applications by presenting two interesting use cases: (i) distributed generation of uniform random strings, and (ii) decentralized electronic voting systems, without the presence of a special trusted party

    TIDE:A novel approach to constructing timed-release encryption

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    In ESORICS 2021, Chvojka et al. introduced the idea of taking a time-lock puzzle and using its solution to generate the keys of a public key encryption (PKE) scheme [13]. They use this to define a timed- release encryption (TRE) scheme, in which the secret key is encrypted ‘to the future’ using a time-lock puzzle, whilst the public key is published. This allows multiple parties to encrypt a message to the public key of the PKE scheme. Then, once a solver has spent a prescribed length of time evaluating the time-lock puzzle, they obtain the secret key and hence can decrypt all of the messages. In this work we introduce TIDE (TIme Delayed Encryption), a novel approach to constructing timed-release encryption based upon the RSA cryptosystem, where instead of directly encrypting the secret key to the future, we utilise number-theoretic techniques to allow the solver to factor the RSA modulus, and hence derive the decryption key. We implement TIDE on a desktop PC and on Raspberry Pi devices validating that TIDE is both efficient and practically implementable. We provide evidence of practicality with an extensive implementation study detailing the source code and practical performance of TIDE

    SoK: Delay-based Cryptography

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    In this work, we provide a systematisation of knowledge of delay-based cryptography, in which we discuss and compare the existing primitives within cryptography that utilise a time-delay. We start by considering the role of time within cryptography, explaining broadly what a delay aimed to achieve at its inception and now, in the modern age. We then move on to describing the underlying assumptions used to achieve these goals, and analyse topics including trust, decentralisation and concrete methods to implement a delay. We then survey the existing primitives, discussing their security properties, instantiations and applications. We make explicit the relationships between these primitives, identifying a hierarchy and the theoretical gaps that exist. We end this systematisation of knowledge by highlighting relevant future research directions within the field of delay-based cryptography, from which this area would greatly benefit

    Applications of Timed-release Encryption with Implicit Authentication

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    A whistleblower is a person who leaks sensitive information on a prominent individual or organisation engaging in an unlawful or immoral activity. Whistleblowing has the potential to mitigate corruption and fraud by identifying the misuse of capital. In extreme cases whistleblowing can also raise awareness about unethical practices to individuals by highlighting dangerous working conditions. Obtaining and sharing the sensitive information associated with whistleblowing can carry great risk to the individual or party revealing the data. In this paper we extend the notion of timed-release encryption to include a new security property which we term implicit authentication, with the goal of making the practice of whistleblowing safer. We formally define the new primitive of timed-release encryption with implicit authentication (TRE-IA), providing rigorous game-base definitions. We then build a practical TRE-IA construction that satisfies the security requirements of this primitive, using repeated squaring in an RSA group, and the RSA-OAEP encryption scheme. We formally prove our construction secure and provide a performance analysis of our implementation in Python along with recommendations for practical deployment and integration with an existing whistleblowing tool SecureDrop

    Dissecting the mycobacterium bovis BCG response to macrophage infection to help prioritize targets for anti-tuberculosis drug and vaccine discovery

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    New strategies are required to reduce the worldwide burden of tuberculosis. Intracellular survival and replication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis after macrophage phagocytosis is a fundamental step in the complex host–pathogen interactions that lead to granuloma formation and disease. Greater understanding of how the bacterium survives and thrives in these environments will inform novel drug and vaccine discovery programs. Here, we use in-depth RNA sequencing of Mycobacterium bovis BCG from human THP-1 macrophages to describe the mycobacterial adaptations to the intracellular environment. We identify 329 significantly differentially regulated genes, highlighting cholesterol catabolism, the methylcitrate cycle and iron homeostasis as important for mycobacteria inside macrophages. Examination of multi-functional gene families revealed that 35 PE/PPE genes and five cytochrome P450 genes were upregulated 24 h after infection, highlighting pathways of potential significance. Comparison of the intracellular transcriptome to gene essentiality and immunogenicity studies identified 15 potential targets that are both required for intracellular survival and induced on infection, and eight upregulated genes that have been demonstrated to be immunogenic in TB patients. Further insight into these new and established targets will support drug and vaccine development efforts